Dictionary and Thesaurus
How important is a dictionary software to the writing process? Next time you write an email for work or at home, ask yourself:
"Could I write this better if I expanded my vocabulary? Are there words I can swap with synonyms to improve my message?"
In this fast-paced world, you spend a great deal of time on the computer, writing. At work, you write to customers, to investors, to your bosses. At home, you connect with friends and make new ones online via social media. Improving your writing should be a high priority. Some of the best tools to improve your writing are dictionary software and thesaurus software. WhiteSmoke Writer has an integrated dictionary-thesaurus solution to provide you with definitions, synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic phrases and more in just one click.
Benefits of Using Dictionary Software
- Word Definitions EverywhereWrite in any online or desktop application, and when you are short for words, launch WhiteSmoke Writer for instant results.
- Expand with Synonyms and MoreWriter's comprehensive dictionary tool gives you tens of thousands of definitions, synonyms, antonyms, and idioms.
- Enhance Your Writing in SecondsSimply press the WhiteSmoke Key, and within seconds, Writer launches, allowing you to check for definitions and alternative words instantly.
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WhiteSmoke Writer is much more than a simple online dictionary software solution. It is in fact an all-in-one solution for anyone writing in English.
- Grammar CheckerThe most advanced grammar checker on the market.
- Style CheckerUnique writing style checking to improve your vocabulary and sentence structure.
- Spell CheckerInnovative spell checking for typos and contextual spelling errors.
- Punctuation CheckerGround-breaking punctuation checking for missing commas and more.
- Writing ReviewA comprehensive writing score for your text, based on various metrics.
- Error ExplanationsLearn from your grammar mistakes and improve as you correct!
- Dictionary-ThesaurusDefinitions, synonyms, and more in our one-click dictionary-thesaurus.
- Writing TemplatesGet started on any letter or document with ease.
Still curious? Read more about WhiteSmoke Writer's features on the WhiteSmoke Writer Page.