Spelling Software
Potatos or potatoes? Tomatos or tomatoes? How many times have you checked your text for spelling mistakes only to find out that you have your fare share of spelling mistakes. Well, look no further, since WhiteSmoke spelling software is all you need in order to make sure your spelling is correct.
Spelling - There's Really Nothing to It
Based on natural language processing (NLP), WhiteSmoke spelling software will correct your spelling mistakes and your contextual spelling (there-their) to make sure your readers know where you're coming from and will get your message in the best possible way.
Spell Your Way Out of Trouble
WhiteSmoke Spelling Software consists of the following :
Contextual Spelling - WhiteSmoke spelling software will correct your contextual spelling mistakes according to the context of your text.
Online Dictionary - WhiteSmoke online dictionary will provide you with definitions of words and their accurate spelling.
Online Thesaurus - WhiteSmoke online thesaurus is in charge of making your text interesting by providing you with synonyms to words you're using in your text.
See the product page for further information.
Try our online spelling for free today, and assess the quality for yourself.
See Our Spelling Software in Action

The WhiteSmoke spelling software includes a spell checker and a grammar checker in order to make your text look well organized and professional. This all in one package wil make your writing so much easier and comprehensive to the readers.
See the product page for further information.